No matter the scale, no matter the scope, we at Virginia Scenic are confident in our ability to satisfy our client’s needs. Send us your design package and we will gladly generate a bid for your project. The journey begins when you contact us.
Theatrical Builds LLC T/A
900 Broad St.
Portsmouth, Va 23707
Telephone: (757).393.2511
FAX: (757).397.8652
E-mail: Joy Callan
We are located in Portsmouth, Virginia, 20 minutes from Norfolk International Airport and also within reach of Portsmouth Marine Terminal, convenient for shipping sets internationally.
Joy Callan - CEO/The Bee's Knee's
Christie Marcley - Charge Painter
Eric Tuthill - Logistics/Purchasing & Carpenter/Welder
Scott Kuehne - Master Welder
Paul Romeo - Master Carpenter/Welder
Darden Long - Master Carpenter
Kimberly Shoemaker - Painter/Organization Master
Mike James - Master Carpenter
Julie Potter - Master Painter
Fred Farmer - Master Carpenter/Welder
Hal Weaver - Head Sculptor/Webmaster